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    Agile BA (including IIBA AAC exam prep)
    13-14-15-16-17 mai, 9:00 – 13:00

    2024/05/13 09:00:00

    In this course, you’ll learn how to discover your role within an Agile team’s software development, how to adapt the techniques you already use to the Agile environment, and how to use some new requirement techniques specific to Agile. Each project will be different, and the role of the BA (business analyst) may vary from project to project. However, the concepts remain relatively stable and, assuming a willingness to be adaptable (agile), you will find an exciting new way of being a BA.

    A major thrust of the course is the necessity of collaborative teamwork—others may take on part of the activities for which you have sole responsibilities in the Waterfall projects; you will be more closely involved in the work management of the team.

    This course is consistent with the themes of the Agile Manifesto and the Agile Extension to the BABOK® Guide. Since most teams use hybrid approaches, the course considers Agile methodologies generically, rather than adhering to branded approaches, such as Scrum, XP, or Kanban.

    BAs who are, will be, or plan to be part of Agile development teams

    IIBA®-AAC recognizes your ability to effectively execute analysis
    related work in an agile context. Earning this certification provides
    potential employers, a clearer indication of the competencies
    that you have developed.

    1. Critical Issues

    • Why Agile?
    • Being a Team Member
    • BA Skills
    • Increment Zero and BA Work
    • Real Options


    2. Developing Requirements

    • Lightweight Documentation
    • Requirements Documentation
    • Epics and Themes
    • Developing User Stories
    • Acceptance Tests


    3. Managing the Backlog

    • What is Backlog Management?
    • Refining the Backlog
    • When Is Software Done?
    • Reviews and Retrospectives
    • Before the Release
    • Success Indicators


    4. Case Study and Exercises

    • Use Collaborative Games
    • Make Requirements Decisions in Increment Zero
    • Write User Stories
    • Groom and Order a Backlog


    Summary of AAC Certification

    1. What is Agile Business Analysis
    2. The IIBA AAC Certification
    3. The Agile Mindset
    4. Analysis at Multiple Horizons
    5. Strategy Horizon
    6. Initiative Horizon
    7. Delivery Horizon
    8. Agile BA Techniques.

    The ideal candidate for this exam meets the following criteria:

    • Has developed an agile mindset and can consistently apply it, as needed.
    • Accrued at least two years of experience applying agile analysis practices at the Delivery Horizon.
    • Can demonstrate how feedback loops work back and forth from the Delivery Horizon to the Initiative Horizon and the Strategy Horizon.
    • Able to demonstrate foundational proficiency for the Strategy Horizon and Initiative Horizon.
    • Have mastered basic knowledge, understand agile and follow rules – and completed the self-assessment.
    • Successfully answered typical analysis-related outcomes and activities questions in the sample quiz.
    Descarca prezentare curs
    • Requirements Development, Documentation, and Management
    • Business Process Analysis
    • Use Case Modeling
    • Project Management Fundamentals

    In this course, you’ll learn how to discover your role within an Agile team’s software development, how to adapt the techniques you already use to the Agile environment, and how to use some new requirement techniques specific to Agile. Each project will be different, and the role of the BA (business analyst) may vary from project to project. However, the concepts remain relatively stable and, assuming a willingness to be adaptable (agile), you will find an exciting new way of being a BA.

    A major thrust of the course is the necessity of collaborative teamwork—others may take on part of the activities for which you have sole responsibilities in the Waterfall projects; you will be more closely involved in the work management of the team.

    This course is consistent with the themes of the Agile Manifesto and the Agile Extension to the BABOK® Guide. Since most teams use hybrid approaches, the course considers Agile methodologies generically, rather than adhering to branded approaches, such as Scrum, XP, or Kanban.

    Target Audience

    BAs who are, will be, or plan to be part of Agile development teams


    IIBA®-AAC recognizes your ability to effectively execute analysis
    related work in an agile context. Earning this certification provides
    potential employers, a clearer indication of the competencies
    that you have developed.


    1. Critical Issues

    • Why Agile?
    • Being a Team Member
    • BA Skills
    • Increment Zero and BA Work
    • Real Options


    2. Developing Requirements

    • Lightweight Documentation
    • Requirements Documentation
    • Epics and Themes
    • Developing User Stories
    • Acceptance Tests


    3. Managing the Backlog

    • What is Backlog Management?
    • Refining the Backlog
    • When Is Software Done?
    • Reviews and Retrospectives
    • Before the Release
    • Success Indicators


    4. Case Study and Exercises

    • Use Collaborative Games
    • Make Requirements Decisions in Increment Zero
    • Write User Stories
    • Groom and Order a Backlog


    Summary of AAC Certification

    1. What is Agile Business Analysis
    2. The IIBA AAC Certification
    3. The Agile Mindset
    4. Analysis at Multiple Horizons
    5. Strategy Horizon
    6. Initiative Horizon
    7. Delivery Horizon
    8. Agile BA Techniques.

    The ideal candidate for this exam meets the following criteria:

    • Has developed an agile mindset and can consistently apply it, as needed.
    • Accrued at least two years of experience applying agile analysis practices at the Delivery Horizon.
    • Can demonstrate how feedback loops work back and forth from the Delivery Horizon to the Initiative Horizon and the Strategy Horizon.
    • Able to demonstrate foundational proficiency for the Strategy Horizon and Initiative Horizon.
    • Have mastered basic knowledge, understand agile and follow rules – and completed the self-assessment.
    • Successfully answered typical analysis-related outcomes and activities questions in the sample quiz.
    Descarca prezentare curs
    Follow on
    • Requirements Development, Documentation, and Management
    • Business Process Analysis
    • Use Case Modeling
    • Project Management Fundamentals
    Vasile Andreea
    Analist Achiziții – Medimfarm Ploiești
    Am urmat acest curs sperând să îmi îmbunătățesc metodele de negociere. În schimb am avut surpriza ca pe lângă metode de negociere să descopăr multe alte beneficii – schimbarea unghiului de viziune, lărgirea perspectivelor, etc.

    Andreea Brahastianu

    Internal Communication & CSR Manager

    Pentru noi, compania EXELO reprezintă mai mult decât un furnizor de training , membrii acestei echipe fiind de fapt consultanţi dispuşi să contribuie cu valoare adăugată înainte, în timpul și după fiecare program de training, dând dovadă de un adevărat professionalism.
    Pentru că te interesează certificarea Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, îți putem trimite un test cu 30 de întrebări care să te ajute să îți faci o idee despre tipul de examen, conceptele abordate și microlimbajul specific.
    Pentru că te interesează certificarea Lean Six Sigma Black Belt, îți putem trimite un test cu 30 de întrebări care să te ajute să îți faci o idee despre tipul de examen, conceptele abordate și microlimbajul specific.
    Pentru că te interesează certificarea CBAP®, îți putem trimite un test cu 30 de întrebări care să te ajute să îți faci o idee despre tipul de examen, conceptele abordate și microlimbajul specific.
    Pentru că te interesează certificarea CBAP®, îți putem trimite un test cu 30 de întrebări care să te ajute să îți faci o idee despre tipul de examen, conceptele abordate și microlimbajul specific.
    Pentru că mulți am fost surprinși de noua situație, un ghid cu recomandări privind comunicarea online poate fi de ajutor. Avem nevoie de coordonatele tale ca să ți-l trimitem.
    Pentru că mulți am fost surprinși de noua situație, un ghid cu recomandări privind comunicarea online poate fi de ajutor. Avem nevoie de coordonatele tale ca să ți-l trimitem.
    Pentru că te interesează certificarea PMP, îți putem trimite un test cu 30 de întrebări care să te ajute să îți faci o idee despre tipul de examen, conceptele abordate și microlimbajul specific.
    Pentru că te interesează certificarea PMP, îți putem trimite un test cu 30 de întrebări care să te ajute să îți faci o idee despre tipul de examen, conceptele abordate și microlimbajul specific.
    Organizează o simulare pentru echipa ta
    Organizează o simulare pentru echipa ta